Information requirements for applicants according to Art. 13 and Art. 14 GDPR

Data protection information for applicants

Who is responsible for data processing?

Responsible for all incoming job applications within the company:

AudioCure Pharma GmbH

Prof. H. Rommelspacher

Schlegelstraße 9

D-10115 Berlin


Where do we obtain the data we collect?

We only collect and process the personal data you provide to us as part of the job application process.

This is the data listed below (type of data):

  • Personal data (name, address and other contact data, place of birth, date of birth, nationality)
  • Bank details (for travel expense reimbursements, if applicable)
  • Legitimation data (e.g. ID card data)
  • Authentication data (e.g. specimen signature)
  • Health data (information on disabilities or severe disabilities)
  • Qualification papers (certificates, evaluations, training certificates)


For what purpose is the collected data processed?

The processing is carried out in consideration of and in accordance with the applicable General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as well as the Federal Data Protection Act-new (BDSG), area-specific data protection standards during the application process, such as the Social Code, Telecommunications Act and Works Constitution Act.

For the decision on the establishment of an employment relationship with us, the legal basis is Art. 88 GDPR in conjunction with Section 26 BDSG and, if applicable, Art. 6 (1) lit. b GDPR for the initiation or implementation of contractual relationships.

Furthermore, we may process personal data from you if this is necessary for the obligations (Art. 6 para. 1 lit. c GDPR) or for the defense of asserted legal claims against us. The legal basis for this is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. The legitimate interest can be, for example, a duty to provide evidence in a proceeding under the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG). If you grant us an express consent to process personal data for specific purposes, the lawfulness of this processing is based on your consent pursuant to Art. 6. Paragraph 1 lit. a GDPR is given. Consent given can be revoked at any time with effect for the future.

If an employment relationship arises between you and us, in accordance with Art. 88 GDPR in conjunction with § 26 BDSG, we may use the personal data already received from you for the purposes of the employment relationship insofar as this is necessary for the implementation or termination of the employment relationship or for the exercise or fulfillment of the obligations arising from a law or a collective bargaining agreement, a plant or (collective bargaining agreement) resulting from a law or a collective bargaining agreement, a works representation of the interests of the employees.


To whom is the collected personal data forwarded?

The collected data will be forwarded within our company to the responsible departments that have been entrusted with the processing of the application procedure and that require it to fulfill legal obligations. Processors working with the company may also receive your data for the purposes. This concerns companies in the area of IT services. At this point, it should be mentioned that even if we pass on your data to third parties, in the circumstances just described, we will comply with and consider the provisions of data protection law.

Your data will only be passed on the basis of legal regulations of your consent given to us or if we are authorized to receive information about it. These are data recipients such as affiliated companies (application procedures for other advertised positions), for which you have given us your consent to transfer the data.


How long is collected the data in the application process stored?

Your personal data will be processed and stored, if necessary, for the duration of the application process. After the purpose has been fulfilled, but after 6 months at the latest, we will delete them. If the storage of the data is no longer necessary for the application process and there is no legal retention period for this, or if we do not have your consent that justifies a longer storage period, the data will be deleted immediately.


Is there a transfer to third countries?

A data transfer to a third country, i.e. countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) does not take place.


What rights can I assert?

Within the framework of the legal requirements from the GDPR and the BDSG, every data subject has the right to information about the processing of their personal data, the right to correction, deletion, and restriction of this as well as the right to object to the processing and the right to data portability. When asserting the right to information as well as the right to deletion, the restrictions of §§ 33, 34 BDSG must be considered. Furthermore, there is a right of appeal to the competent supervisory authority pursuant to Art. 77 GDPR in conjunction with. § Section 19 BDSG.


Is it mandatory to provide data?

You only have to provide the data required in the application process. There is no obligation to provide us with certain data. However, without providing the required data, it is generally not possible to implement an appropriate application process.


To what extent is there automated decision-making in individual cases?

No automated decision-making processes are used within our application process.


Does the data collect result in profiling (scoring)?

We do not use any profiling data for the justification and implementation of the application process.


Note on existing right of objection:

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data at any time. If you object, we will no longer process your personal data. However, if there are compelling reasons to be proven by us that override your interests, rights and freedoms, or if continued processing serves the assertion, exercise or defense of legal claims, an objection is not feasible.

The objection can be issued without formalities and forwarded immediately to the following controller:

AudioCure Pharma GmbH
Schlegelstr. 9
D-10115 Berlin · Germany
Phone: +49 (30) 221 8397 0