Legal Notice
AudioCure Pharma GmbH
Schlegelstrasse 9
D-10115 Berlin
Person in charge (§ 10 Abs. 3 MDStV):
Dr. Reimar Schlingensiepen
Phone: +49 (30) 221 8397 0
Reg. at court: Amtsgericht Berlin Charlottenburg
Reg. No.: HRB 129037
VAT ID (§ 27a UStG): DE 274491060
Responsible for all content (§ 55 Abs 2 RStV):
Dr. Reimar Schlingensiepen (V.i.S.d.P)
Schlegelstrasse 9
D-10115 Berlin
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The content of this website has been drafted with great care. AudioCure cannot however be held responsible for the correctness, completeness and current nature of the content provided. As the provider of this website, AudioCure is responsible for its own contribution according to general law (§ 7 Abs.1 TMG). We are however not legally bound (§§ 8 to 10 TMG) to either supervise transmitted or stored external content or to investigate circumstances indicative of unlawful activity by others. Duties to delete or block information according to general law remain unaffected. Liability is only given from the time at which the specific breach of law was brought to our attention. Upon knowledge of such breach of law, the respective content will be deleted immediately.
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- Home page / Girl with tin: © David Dieschburg / Photocase.
- Ear graphic on orange bar: © Goa Novi / Shutterstock.
- About Us / Team photo: © Jacqueline Traub /
- Management / Team photo: © Jacqueline Traub /
- Inner Ear Disorders / Piano Man: © George Rudy / Fotolia.
- Inner Ear Disorders / Ear Graphic: © MED-EL.
- Living with Hearing Loss / Grumpy-listening man: © Willma… / Photocase.
- Hearing Loss / Girl with tin: © / Shutterstock.
- Tinnitus / Birds: © Vishnevskiy Vasily/ Shutterstock.
- Electrode Implantation Trauma / Chefs: © Daniel Zangerl / MED-EL.
- Our Technology / Lake: © Daniel Zangerl / MED-EL.
- AC102/ Grass Couple: © detailblick-foto / Fotolia.
- Application / headphone lady © Benicce / Photocase.
- Newsroom / Boy looking up: © Inkje Drescher / Photocase.
- News in Brief 26Aug16/ RS photo: © Jacqueline Traub /
- Join Us / RS/HR photo: © Jacqueline Traub /
- Contact Us / Woman with phone: © DW labs Incorporated / Shutterstock.
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This site does not provide medical advice. The site, content, and services do not provide any form of professional services or recommendations. The site and content are not intended to constitute 1) the practice of medicine or the provision of healthcare diagnosis or treatment 2) the creation of a physician, patient or clinical relationship, or 3) an endorsement, recommendation, or sponsorship of any products or services by AudioCure, agents, employees, consultants or service providers. The website is not meant to be a substitute for a healthcare professional’s clinical judgment. The determination of the need for medical services and the types of health care to provide a patient are decisions that should be made only by a physician or other licensed healthcare provider. Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking such advice because of something you read on this website. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare professional with any questions you have regarding a medical condition.
If you are an investigator, healthcare professional or a patient, you may not provide AudioCure Pharma GmbH with any of your own, or anyone else’s, protected healthcare information.
Web Design
Web design & Development by ACB. Web Design & Marketing Berlin