Our Technology

A disease modifying novel molecule

AudioCure Pharma develops novel pharmaceutical therapies for the prevention and treatment of a range of hearing impairments with high, unmet medical need. Our lead candidate is a novel molecule named AC102.

The primary focus of AudioCure’s development program for AC102 is acute hearing loss and acute tinnitus. Currently there are no approved drug treatments available for these disorders. Our front-runner molecule has undergone comprehensive preclinical research which demonstrates that it acts upon the sensory cells and neurons that are central to the hearing process. As no other drug has shown any such action, AC102 has the potential to become the first breakthrough causative therapy (i.e. treatment aimed at eliminating the cause) for acute hearing loss and acute tinnitus. By treating these conditions as soon as possible after onset, it is our vision to prevent the development of long-term, chronic hearing impairments.


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